Apple Valley Classic

This is a past ride.
Jun 22, 2019

15000 Glazier Ave, Apple Valley, MN

Ride Distance:
Rob Welsh

The ultimate AV Classic brevet, this route covers a wide swath across south eastern Minnesota, using sections from several other brevets as well as a few new segments. Overall elevation gain is a modest 13k feet.  

The ride starts with a mellow cruise down to Faribault then east through Zumbrota, Mazeppa and on to Plainview.  After Plainview the route goes south through St. Charles down to Rushford.  After riding the Root River trail to Houston, the toughest climb on the ride begins soon after with the infamous Happel Hill on the way to La Crescent followed by the pretty Apple Blossom Drive climb up to the ridges again before dropping back down to Winona and the overnight stop at the Super 8.

A room, shower and dinner will help you relax with 232 miles in the bank.  Grab a good rest and some breakfast then head out on an easier day, through Plainview, Hay Creek, Red Wing and Cannon Falls.

The control leg distances for this ride are longer than we typically have done, to prepare riders for PBP and to cut down the number of controls you have to stop at, saving you some time. 

Control Leg Dist Total
Apple Valley   0
Faribault 47 47
Zumbrota 37 84
Plainview 43 127
Rushford 44 171
La Crescent 32 203
Winona-sleep stop 30 233
Plainview 37 270
Red Wing 50 320
Cannon Falls 22 342
Apple Valley 31 373


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Current Rider List
Rob Welsh
Keith Larson
Randy Runtsch
Norman Ehrentreich
Jonas Nygard
Dan Diehn
Jeff Hofstede
Martin Fahje
jodi beinke
Craig Aamodt
Jerry Christensen