Northern Pancake

Nov 01, 2025
8:00 am

6545 W River Rd, Brooklyn Center, MN

Ride Distance:
Norman Ehrentreich

This is a “flat as can be” 202k Permanent/ACP Brevet. It is intended also as a winter permanent or brevet with as little climbing as possible (around 700 to 1000 ft, depending on your GPS system). The ride is also for those who want an easy brevet to get started in long distance cycling or to get back into shape. It can still be challenging on a windy day as there are many open farm fields with little wind protection. It is a scenic route with controls in Brooklyn Center - St. Francis - Princeton - Isanti - North Branch - Brooklyn Center.

Starting Location Instructions:

Park on the North end of the TopGolf parking lot, next to the Speedway Gas Station (6545 W River Rd # 1, SW corner of HW252 & 66th Ave N.), the official start and ending location of the Northern Pancake 202k. To get to the parking lot, turn into Camden Ave N. from 66th Ave N.

Winter Riding Notes

Riding speed and effort among riders can vary widely during winter riding months - depending on temperature, road conditions, and tire choice. (Definitely ditch your slick tires!) Many riders debate until last minute what tires to choose. Studded tires are safest, but will give a hefty speed penalty which will make it hard to keep up with other non-studded riders. A commmon compromise is riding just a studded front tire and a nice soft non-studded winter tire. The organizer's favorite is Continental's Top Contact Winter II Premium. When ridden in front and in the back, they will suffice for most riding situations. Chosing studs is more likely during the notorious melt and refreeze month of March. Note that we have a few winter detours from our regular Northern Pancake route to avoid some challenging unplowed sections. But most riders riders prefer the more scenic and short hard-packed snow section on the Half-a-Pancake ride (that is is a gravel section during non-winter months). For variety, we can even throw this section in on our full 200k Pancake ride if desired. 

We will reschedule our rides if there is snow in the forecast or if there was a snow storm the day before. It takes time to plow the roads. If temperatures are forecast below zero, a reschedule is likely as well. Experience tells us that single digits and below will make meeting the 13.5 hrs time limit a challenging proposition. A note will be sent out to registered riders a day or two before.

Winter & Night Riding Requirements

All riders must have good to excellent night riding equipment.

Must have are (We will ride in the dark)

  - strong headlight capable of clearly lighting the road clearly for the whole night

  - a strong taillight capable of being seen from several hundred feet away, set in steady mode

  - a reflective vest that clearly illuminates your body when light shines on it

Recommended are

  -  backup front and tail lights if your primary lights fail or run out of battery 

  - reflective anklet strips

  - a helmet light or other light source to see cue sheets, street signs, or help with night repairs.

Files for this ride.

You must be registered for this ride, to see files for the ride.
